Roe deer hunting in Spain

Join us as our ambassador relives the excitement of a perfect stalk and the joy of a successful roe deer hunt in the enchanting lands of Asturias

Roe deer hunting in Spain

We had been talking about returning to Asturian lands for a long time, but we never found the opportunity to do so due to commitments and work, and we kept postponing it. Until this year, when we received a call from a friend who encouraged us to visit his hunting area to stalk a roe deer in Asturias. You can imagine how excited I was!

I had already visited Asturias on several occasions, but returning was an idea that fascinated me. Hunting a roe deer in that majestic environment that I fell in love with the first time I visited made me even more eager to return.

The journey took me back to Grandas de Salime, a small village well-known for being the last Asturian stretch of the Primitive Way of Saint James before entering Galicia through the Acebo Pass.
To reach my destination, I had to take a long trip. I arrived exhausted at the hotel after many hours, but that didn’t stop me from appreciating the beautiful place. That same night, I prepared everything for the next day, which would be the start of my roe deer hunting journey.

Before dawn, I was already prepared with all my gear, waiting for the hunting guide, José María, to arrive. Meanwhile, my husband Antonio was giving me small tips for a successful hunt. He is an experienced stalker, and all his advice is valuable for my hunting days.

On the first day, despite covering different valleys and favorite meadows, the elusive deer didn’t show itself, and we only saw small ones and females. It was a day from dawn to dusk without any glory.

On the morning of the second day, the guide mentioned that we would visit a large mountain pasture where they had occasionally seen a very good roe deer. The access to the meadow was complicated because the steep slope of the hillside made it difficult to see. We had to approach from below since the upper part was blocked by an impenetrable thicket. The strategy was clear but extremely difficult because if the deer was in the meadow, given its elevated and advantageous position, it would see us before we saw it. With cautious care, step by step, we approached until my husband set up the tripod and indicated the position of the deer we were looking for. The animal, as expected, had detected our approach and with a few agile leaps, started its escape. Thanks to two hoarse barks, imitating the guttural sound of the Asturian roe deer, made by my husband, he was able to catch the animal's attention and stop it before it entered the woods. Through my scope, at about 180 meters, I could see the beautiful deer looking at us. My nerves were on edge, but I didn't miss and got the first roe deer we spotted this season. It was a great joy because it was a perfect stalk and shot!

NORMA Ambassador, Pilar Escribano, Spain 

Want to learn more about roe deer hunting? Take part of 5 expert tips!

Roe Deer Hunting: Five Expert Tips